granny making coffee…
Sometimes in life we are reminded how finite our experience is. How everything we do is of importance. Is significant. I have decided to bring my camera everytime I go to visit my Granny, I want to look back and remember it all. How her kitchen looked, the mess of papers on the table. Her cigarette burning between her fingers. Her half smile when she laughs at your jokes. How she makes her tea, or sometimes her instant coffee. This is meaningful. For its these little daily actions we remember the most about people. That and how they make you feel.
My granny has dementia, and is starting to forget more and more. Even her younger memories are becoming blurry and she's too tired to remember. So I sit, and joyfully answer the same two questions and listen to her same sassy remarks. And it feels comforting. And I wish she knew on the days she's too tired that she doesn’t have to talk at all. That I am at ease drinking tea with her in silence as I study her face, and the way her hands work.
I hope in my photos to capture the nuances in how she makes her coffee and how I always felt safe and comfortable at her tiny kitchen table as I watched her.
Because these are the moments that are significant.