workshops & courses
~Early Development and the Nervous Sytem~
An in-depth four hour workshop exploring how our early years develop our physiology which directly impact how we see and show up in the world.
Many of our nervous system patterns and how our system operates comes from our formative years and the ruptures and challenges we faced to find belonging and safety and attachment. Beliefs we carry about self and the world around us can be tied up in our nervous system and where it’s operating from. So much of what we deem to be just our personality, or symptoms of other ailments can be directly associated with how our nervous system is functioning. Our nervous systems are so beautiful and intricate and are working hard to keep us alive, but the ruptures or traumas we have experienced are keeping us feeling “stuck”.
In this workshop we will explore the ways in which this can show up AND ways in which we can support our system to move toward greater wellbeing and a stronger sense of aliveness.
During this workshop we will:
• unravel the importance of our early years and how they shape us
•how our familial wounds, patterns and attachment may show up in our own nervous system and can stay there well into adulthood
•we will delve into our beliefs, and emotional patterns, and how they can be ingrained in our physiology
•explore ways in which you can create repair and change your physiology now
Our body and nervous system hold the key for transformation, it goes deeper than our cognitive mind.
This is an indepth four hour workshop, so please plan to be there for the duration of the time. I will be recording the workshop if you are unable to make it live. During our time together you will also be guided through some somatic practices to support the unravelling and repair of your nervous system patterns.
Saturday March 15th, 2025
10am-2pm MST
via zoom
$195 cnd
(some folks may get coverage through their benefits)
embodied wild wisdom
A season of reclamation, of understanding and building relationships with your nervous system, to yourself, to soul. Alchemizing cognitive understanding and embodied knowledge to reclaim your wild wisdom.
Our overculture moves us so quickly, in such competition with everything, and so disconnected from nature - which brings us out of rhythm with our nervous system, ourselves, our inner knowing.
We are often left with feelings of anxiety, depression, dissociation, overwhelm, a general unease and wondering where and how do we fit in or exist in our own life.
By working through the lens of your nervous system you can begin to untangle old patterns and beliefs that are keeping you from connecting to your self, from living a life that feels alive to you. Where you feel a sense of steadiness on your feet, the deep beauty of the world moves you and the fire in your belly burns strong.
Our nervous system is the way in which we see the world, how we take everything in and where our beliefs about self and the world stem from. These are shaped deeply by our early experiences in life and continue to be created as we navigate the world now. The beautiful thing is if we are willing to take the time to work with our nervous system we can untangle and heal those beliefs and ways of seeing the world that no longer serve us.
I will be combining quarterly workshops and monthly movement practices to support you in this reconnection.
You can pick and choose or dive deep and join in for all of it.
All classes will be offered online via zoom
classes will be recorded if you are unable to make it live
Monthly Embodied Movement Classes:
The third Thursday of the Month beginning February 20th
6pm - 715pm MST
$30 per class
Quarterly Workshops:
Dates: March 15, June 14, September 13, December 6
10am - 2pm MST
$195 per workshop
Yearly Bundle - includes all movement classes and workshops
(11 movement classes, 4 workshops)
If you join for the year you will also receive:
2 individual sessions throughout the year
extra recorded practices and classes
(10% savings and and extra $350+ of add ons)
Payment Plans available and some peoples benefits may cover some of the cost
“I really loved the lecture when Katie taught us about the nervous system. I gained so much knowledge about the mind body connection with thought, holding space and with meditation.” - client